Slowing Down

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Re: Slowing Down

Postby DagerRande » Fri Dec 20, 2013 5:58 pm

Hi Palmer,

I believe that to play something "flawlessly" is sort of a "dream goal" for most of us but I also believe that we can play it better if we learn it carefully, which usually involves playing it slowly at first just to make sure not to miss anything.
Of course for our own compositions WE decide the details not to be missed.

"Flawless" is like experiencing a probability of 100% ',which never happens. It is sometimes approached but never arrived at. Some here are close enough to perfection that it really doesn't matter how short they are of "perfect".

Though I'd like to play close to perfect, I don't expect to, but I try to make up for that by being a little more colorful in my arrangements and incorporating nice harmonies.
Rande Dager

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Re: Slowing Down

Postby Ray Bohlken » Sat Dec 21, 2013 2:59 pm

Hi Rande. I sure hope you and everyone else have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Back to this subject.

I've read and watched many Chet interviews over time and It doesn't seem to me that he was ever satisfied with his playing or felt that he had done the best. I reckon we all feel that way, but for him to say that is kind of amazing. The only complementary thing I ever heard was that every now and then he would hear a song that he had forgotten that he played and thought that is sounded pretty good. I know some of that is modesty and humility, but I truly think he felt that way for a long time.
As for learning slowly, I remember that some one gave Chet the keys to a radio station archive of transcriptions and music and told him to learn a song a day. On the best day I ever had, I couldn't do that...come up with a playable version of a song in a day and remember it. Chet learned and played a lot of songs and I think, in addition to talent and a great mind, he had a marvelous memory. Mine was once really good, but not at the level to learn a song a day even at my level of playing.
Ray Bohlken
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Re: Slowing Down

Postby Pickin Palmer » Thu Dec 26, 2013 12:45 pm

Mark...... “Talk about useful....”

For Christmas I ended up out here in Las Vegas visiting one of my older sons and my youngest grandson – which was wonderful. (Got to play golf on Christmas eve – WOW!) I taught this 40 something kid how to play guitar when he was a teenager, but only the last few years has he shown an interest in “alternating bass lines” - which I showed him the “basics” of the few times I get to see him each year.

Well, this morning as we are sitting here sippin' coffee he said, “Dad, I really would like to get better at your “Chet” thing, but I can't get my thumb and melody going at the same time very well.” And, he proceeded to show me on Windy n' Warm that I had previously taught him – at the speed of light. And, he was perfectly correct with his assessment... LOL

So, here we now sit having him work on only the first four notes of the tune – over and over - with your first post of this thread open on my computer, and I keep re-reading OUTLOUD, “I guess alot of players sort of blow over this aspect.....” - whilst I throw an anchor out to slow him back up. And, it is working already..... THANKS, MARK!!!!

Pickin Palmer
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Re: Slowing Down

Postby Doug Working » Thu Jun 05, 2014 8:09 pm

I remember many years back taking a few classical lessons, and my teacher emphasizing "Slow Down" and practice with a metronome.

But as time went on, I realized the BEST metronome is the one that is in my head. Chet never used a met, to my knowledge, but his foot was always a' tappin', and I think that was better than any metronome man could devise.

There are definitely a few passages that I realize I should probably slow down on, like the arpeggio section in "The Early Dawn", but either way, slow or fast, it still kills my fingers, and I don't think I'll ever get it. because guys with long fingers definitely have an advantage.

I understand Jethro Burns had four inch fingers. But I've never read if anybody ever measured Chet's. I've seen photos of his fingers in a stretched position in one of my older Chet books, and they were DEFINITELY long and slender.
Doug Working
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Re: Slowing Down

Postby Eddie Estes » Fri Jun 06, 2014 4:31 pm

Unfortunately the metronome in your head will fool you.
I learned this by experience. When I played at the Reed tribute last year I learned the HARD way how off my excellent in my mind timing was. You play with pros and it humbles you.

I started practicing with a metronome and it has helped tremendously. Well between home repairs and chasing my grandson around :D
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Re: Slowing Down

Postby Doug Working » Fri Jun 06, 2014 4:59 pm

Tell me more. I'm interested.
Doug Working
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Re: Slowing Down

Postby Richard Hudson » Fri Jun 06, 2014 5:41 pm

One of the most common bad habits most all of us as fingerpickers develop is speeding up as we play. If you play by yourself most all of the time, it seems to get worse. I practice with a metronome quite a lot. I'm not ashamed to admit it. Nothing in the world takes the joy out of jamming with someone else than bad timing, or speeding up. That's my take anyway.
Richard Hudson
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Re: Slowing Down

Postby Doug Working » Fri Jun 06, 2014 5:49 pm

I can see how speeding up could creep up on you.

I'm doing pretty good, though. Playing in three different groups and seem to be keeping the beat real good. I tsp my foot alot. That seems to help. I always noticed Chet kept his foot a' tappin.
Doug Working
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Re: Slowing Down

Postby Muneera123 » Wed Jul 25, 2018 12:27 am

slowing down is nothing but reduced the speed and delay the work speed
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