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Classical pickup

PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2024 12:06 pm
by albertgen
What is the best pickup to replace on the Gibson Studio Classic guitar. Mine has been giving me problems. Thank you, Albert

Re: Classical pickup

PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2024 9:29 am
by BillB
Kirk Sand started using the Barbera transducer as a replacement on those guitars. I think he made an adapter that would fit in the bridge to replace the wider Gibson pickup and hold the thinner Barbera transducer (saddle). Of course, with Kirk's passing, it's hard to say whether he had an of those adapters around, but it might be worth contacting his son Donny to find out. It would probably have to be a custom fit on just about any pickup out. I remember someone using a Prismatone pickup several years ago, and it had to be custom fit. There might be something else out there that is more of a direct fit, but I don't know what it would be. Also, Paul McGill uses a pickup on his guitars that is supposed to be very good. Maybe he could help.

Hope you find something!

Bill B.